Matthew Holden
Matthew Holden is a quality journalist and a member of the marketing team at DataNet. He has 5 years experience creating online content that supports quality professionals in the journey of excellence.
Matthew Holden is a quality journalist and a member of the marketing team at DataNet. He has 5 years experience creating online content that supports quality professionals in the journey of excellence.
Control charts provide a data driven view of your process. This promotes action based on evidence and reduces changes driven by worker observations of outputs that might not be relevant or significant.
Proper control chart selection is critical to realizing the benefits of Statistical Process Control.
Statistical Process Control, commonly referred to as SPC, is a method for monitoring, controlling and, ideally, improving a process through statistical analysis. This video contains an introduction to SPC strategies you can use to improve your processes.
While enormous dollars are spent reacting to problems, taking a top-down view of the production system can reveal sources of scrap, rework and other inefficiencies.
WinSPC can be configured for optimal use in practically any production or inspection set up.
It’s not subjective: Because it’s an objective measure of variation, standard deviation is an essential statistical tool for increasing quality.
In an ever-competitive global marketplace, it’s more important than ever to develop systematic means to measure and manage costs of quality, which reflect business improvement opportunities.
A spectrometer producer installed WinSPC to leverage existing data collection systems, achieve quality improvements, and improve cross-company understanding of production.
Setting up a live digital Quality system to collect data may not be as hard as you think.
Before applying statistical methods that assume normality, it is necessary to perform a normality test on the data.
What is the difference between subgroup size, subrange size, and sample size in WinSPC? You will find the answer to that question in this article.
You’ve identified a new system that will improve quality. Now, you need to show management a compelling financial ROI and get buy-in. Here’s how to gain support for your proposal.
There is a balance between automation, and feedback. If you totally remove the operators away from the feedback of periodic measurements, they may be less aware of the nuances of the process over time.
When something goes wrong, we naturally react. If a product fails or a process performs inadequately, we attempt to discover what’s wrong so we can fix it.
With a few clicks of the mouse, you can set up WinSPC to generate reports at scheduled intervals that meet key Quality needs.
Careful consideration of some fundamental aspects of Statistical Process Control (SPC) can go a long way toward determining whether or not manufacturers are able to effectively prevent problems and control their production processes.
Real-time SPC saves time for both quality control and engineering personnel. “What used to take three days takes one afternoon,” said one process engineer.
This is a crucial distinction that is frequently confused. Basically, specification limits have to do with the voice of the customer while control limits have to do with the voice of the process.
WinSPC can be set up to alert operators of production issues before defective product is turned out.
Certificates of Analysis help set the stage for success in manufacturing partnerships and reduce confusion.
There is a balance between automation, and feedback. If you totally remove the operators away from the feedback of periodic measurements, they may be less aware of the nuances of the process over time.
A large player in the fluid tank industry has installed WinSPC to prevent quality issues with preventative alerts on a critical aspect of the process.
Operator ownership of production problems is necessary, but emails to supervisors about process changes allow you to get involved when appropriate.
We find that there are 3 common practices among companies who are effectively minimizing process variation. (1) Real-time monitoring of manufacturing with operator access to data. (2) Visualization of process output for operators and supervisors. (3) Investigation into problems and prioritization of improvement initiatives.
Total Productive Maintenance places shop floor workers in a position of responsibility, and stresses continually paying attention to what’s going on with the process.
A bread company which has made public statements of intent to increase nutrition levels has installed WinSPC. The company uses the system to see charts that uncover interrelation between process factors.
SPC tells when to leave the process alone and when to react. By using SPC, companies can minimize the variation of their process by identifying, reacting to and eliminating extra sources of variation.
When jumpstarting application of real-time SPC at your facility, you will follow a step-by-step guide to get WinSPC up and running in about an hour. You will set up one central access server for all the facility’s WinSPC computers.
A sizeable manufacturer of surgery equipment is using a manufacturing intelligence application by DataNet Quality Systems to help consistently deliver safe precision surgical instruments.
Production data can be captured for use from CMMs, ERP, and gages automatically by a computer system.
Inadequate measurement systems may result in inappropriate signals or even worse, charts that fail to detect important process changes. Thus, it is incumbent upon us to ensure that measurement systems are adequate for their intended use.
In order for an SPC program to succeed, line operators must accept and embrace the solution. Here are 6 steps to set yourself up for success across the team.
A manufacturing company that processes minerals has equipped its production leadership with live summary views.
Quality managers around the country are leading initiatives to increase efficiency and lower costs. Where are you at on your Quality journey?
In WinSPC, sometimes you know what you are looking for, but you just aren’t sure where it’s at.
We talk to companies everyday that are dealing with new challenges in Quality. In this video we will discuss common Quality issues and document the monetary value of SPC.
Highly effective SPC programs combine technical competencies, such as using the right chart and sample size for the application, with good management principles such as ensuring operator involvement.
Marietta Hospitality is using WinSPC to deliver safe soaps and shampoos at a high quality.
An OC curve allows practitioners to determine a sample size that will result in the detection of those process changes that are of practical significance while minimizing the occurrence of false alarm.
Whatever your Quality objectives, sooner or later someone is going to ask for benchmarks on Quality performance. We offer a DMAIC-based approach to delivering these milestones and benchmarks. Central to this method is the implementation of a cost-saving real-time SPC system.
Blueprints can make data collection more intuitive to operators collecting data in WinSPC.
WinSPC dashboards organize and visualize Quality metrics. They can combine statistical summaries, event or activity details, and any of the 60-plus industry standard SPC charts.
Reducing product giveaway is a goal of this large-scale producer, and candy weights are charted to help the company better understand the nature of overfill problems.
WinSPC offers intuitive Quality data entry and can capture independently from your CMMs, ERP and other sources.
A pet foods company partnered with DataNet to launch a predictive real-time SPC program.
A soda pop supplier wanted to better understand product defects. So it connected WinSPC real-time statistical process control software.
A mold company that forms bumpers for major car manufacturers is painting the town red (and yellow and green).
A measuring instruments company is mining historical production data and seeing it in all-new ways with WinSPC.
Tightening a bakery’s operating efficiency and controlling weight variation down to a hundredth of an ounce are critical to product consistency and corporate profitability.
Kick start or expand your WinSPC real-time statistical process control system by leveraging cloud technology to run WinSPC. Save the time spent time managing your own hardware/software setup.
DataNet now offers a new recorded, instructor-led training on Statistical Process Control basics, delivered by a senior SPC trainer.
Version 9 reflects an unprecedented effort to touch every aspect of the product in order to improve its ability to solve your problems, become easier to use and easier to own.
Answers to some of the most frequently asked questions about IT involvement in a WinSPC installation are provided in the latest chapter of the WinSPC video tour.
Real-Time SPC delivers efficiency and productivity gains by eliminating manual data collection efforts, but its real power lies in the ability promote continuous improvement and identify out-of-control process parameters.
DataNet has expanded its WinSPC training in response to the growing demand for low-cost, personalized and on-demand educational options.
A recognized leader in gum, mint and candy manufacturing, with products distributed throughout the globe, implements WinSPC to reduce costs while ensuring compliance with its high product quality standards.
DataNet’s preview of its newest product — WinSPC Envision — is now online.
Join us on LinkedIn and receive timely updates regarding the company and our products in addition to helpful tips from our team of experts.
You can use WinSPC’s trigger setup window to craft a corrective action message box with color significance and product-specific directives.
A contract manufacturer specializing in electromechanical and PCB assembly for high end laptop manufacturers and the Department of Defense implements WinSPC statistical process control software at two US based facilities.
The need for round-the-clock process monitoring has increased as production schedules ramp up to meet global demand. Make sure you’re ready to continually match the competition with 24×7 Service Coverage.
What if adjusting a few machine settings could save you thousands or millions of dollars a year?
To provide executives and other leaders value, the data delivered to them has to be relevant and actionable.
DataNet Quality Systems has added MicroRidge’s line of wireless transmitters and hubs to its arsenal of hardware, software and services geared towards helping you achieve your quality goals.
With WinSPC real-time SPC software you can examine past production to improve your processes in 3 straightforward steps.
If you are trusting your process data to Excel, the time might be right for considering making the leap to an automated, real-time SPC solution.
“As a direct result of our rapid growth, we realized that we needed to upgrade our existing methods for managing statistical process control.”
DataNet Customers – you can now get additional training without leaving your facility! DataNet is hosting online training sessions tailored to your needs.
WinSPC real-time statistical process control software can help you to easily generate a COA report to clear regulatory requirements.
Don Elmore, Chief Software Architect at DataNet Quality Systems describes a tool for manufacturers to help them identify their ripest areas for financial improvement.
Today, I’ll share some of the recent benchmark data that helps to put into perspective why a focus on improving quality with SPC makes sense for many organizations in today’s economic environment.
DataNet now has a new group on LinkedIn for WinSPC users to discuss concerns with the software and become stronger users. They can discuss industry issues as well including topics led by DataNet.
In this video, you’ll see how to monitor a production facility using WinSPC. You’ll manage SPC rule violations across a plant and solve a production problem using WinSPC’s real-time Plant Monitor.
Using this new model, you can search for hidden areas of inefficiency and waste, analyze characteristics to identify the causes of that inefficiency, and justify quality initiatives by quantifying the amount of savings your company will realize with an improved process.
You can use filters in WinSPC real-time statistical process control software to zero in on the data you’re interested in and get help solving your critical Quality issues.
One of the world’s largest producers of folding cartons and a global leader in coated, recycled boxboard selects WinSPC as its corporate-wide statistical process control (SPC) system.
WinSPC reports can help you make a case for your Quality initiatives in statistical and financial terms.
An OC curve allows practitioners to determine a sample size that will result in the detection of those process changes that are of practical significance while minimizing the occurrence of false alarm.