This is a crucial distinction that is frequently confused. Basically, specification limits have to do with the voice of the customer while control limits have to do with the voice of the process.
This is a crucial distinction that is frequently confused. Basically, specification limits have to do with the voice of the customer while control limits have to do with the voice of the process.
SPC Glossary
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Nelson, Loyd S. (1985), “Interpreting Shewhart X Control Charts”, Journal of Quality Technology, 17:114-16.
Steel, R. G. D. and J. H. Torrie (1980), Principles and Procedures of Statistics.New York: McGraw-Hill.
Western Electric Company (1956), Statistical Quality Control Handbook, available from ATT Technologies, Commercial Sales Clerk, Select Code 700-444, P.O. Box 19901, Indianapolis, IN 46219, 1-800-432-6600.
by Statit Software, Inc.
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